5 Apps For Students to Enhance Their Productivity

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We are living in the modern age of technology and have so many apps available at our disposal that make our lives easier. It doesn’t matter whether you want to cook an interesting recipe or create a new workout routine; if you can think of it, there is an app available for it. Similarly, if you are a student and need help with your studies or assignments, there is an app out there that can help you with that. It is crucial for a student to stay productive and avoid distractions around them. There are apps that are designed specifically for students to stay productive and efficient. In this article, I have mentioned a few of those apps that can help students enhance their productivity.

best productivity apps for students

Top 5 best productivity apps for students


If you want to stay productive as a student, you need to brainstorm a lot and write all the new ideas you have. A lot of students who are poor at management miss out on some great ideas just because they didn’t write them down. With the help of Evernote, you can take notes however you want and whenever you want. The app allows you to take notes in text, images, and URL form. You can also take audio notes and listen to them later when working on that project. Evernote helps you keep track of your thought train and enhances your productivity.

Soda PDF

If you are spending half your time searching for documents in your laptop, you are losing productivity. It is advised that you organize and combine all your documents based project-wise so you can find all your documents easily whenever you need them. With Soda PDF’s help, you can edit and merge all the PDFs that belong to the same project into one file. You can also make a PDF editable with Soda PDF and can copy references easily to store on another document.

Google Calendar

If you want someone to keep you up at your toes, then Google Calendar is the perfect companion for you. Google calendar is a great app that offers you multiple functions. You can create a detailed study schedule on your Google calendar app, and it will notify you about your daily tasks and the courses you have to study that day. You can also set deadlines for your assignments and projects, and the app will keep reminding you to ensure you don’t miss the deadline. The app has a minimalist interface, and you can also set goals you want to achieve within weeks or months.


This is an app that is designed for students to keep their focus. If you easily get distracted by things around you, then this app can help you stay focused on your project. The app is beautifully designed and measures the progress of your project in the shape of a plant. The more work you do, the bigger it grows, and when the project is finished, it turns into a fully grown tree. If you leave the project in between, the tree will die, and all your progress will go wasted. It is a great way of staying focused, motivated and productive with your assignments.


Here you can save anythings such as videos, stories, publication page, apps and many more things. If you have saved anythings in getpocket then you can view those things from anywhere without any internet connection or offline. Some users use it to hunter or submit stories and keep those things updated from getpocket.

1 Response

  1. Abhijit says:

    I will try Evernote application, I use a Notebook or diary for everyday notes, but will try and use Evernote, Thank you for sharing such an informative post with us.

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