5 Things to Take Into Consideration When Getting Tattooed

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Many people are eager to get a tattoo for any number of reasons, but it is important that you consider the implications before you make your decision. A tattoo can last forever, and you may find yourself regretting your choice in later years. This article will cover some things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to get a tattoo.

Consideration When Getting Tattooed

  1. Do Your Research Properly

    Researching the tattoo artist, their qualifications, and their portfolio will ensure that you are comfortable with your choice of who will be inking your skin for life. Every person’s needs, particularly when it comes to tattoos, are different, so research all options available before making any commitment. You have to be sure that the artist is using sterilized and single-use equipment when they are inking as this reduces the risk of infection and ensures maximum hygiene standards for both client and employee.

  2. Safety Procedure Followed By Tattoo Artists

    Tattoo artists are required to follow a strict safety procedure when they tattoo people. This ensures that the person getting inked is safe and doesn’t end up with any complications related to their new ink, such as an infection or allergic reaction. If your tattoo artist has been following the safety procedure, they cannot give you an infection or allergic reaction.

    • Before starting a tattoo, your artist will require that you provide them with identification, and proof of age is required by law to do so.
    • They will then use disposable gloves and other equipment such as needles before piercing the skin.
    • Your artist is also required to wear a mask during the tattooing process in order to avoid any contamination.
    • If your artist requires you to take off clothes, they must provide a mat or other surface for you and place it on top of any furniture.
    • Your artist may also require that you cover up with two layers – one layer over the area being worked on and one layer on top.
    • If you are getting a tattoo in the mouth, your artist must use dental dams to protect against saliva contamination.
  3. Come Prepared to Get the Tattoo

    • Make sure you have all the necessary information for your tattoo design, including size and color.
    • Bring a recent photo to show the artist as well. It’s not enough to say, “I want something like this”; you need to bring a reference.
    • Include any allergies or sensitive skin issues with your artist so they can take that into consideration while designing it.
    • If you have any specific ideas about what kind of needle to use, be sure to mention it.
  4. Learn About the Aftercare of Tattoo

    Getting a tattoo is a lifelong decision, and it’s important to do your research before getting inked. Tattoo artists have their own methods of aftercare, but here are some basics for you to consider:

    • Many tattoo shops offer samples of lotion or ointments that they recommend using on the new ink. Be sure to ask your artist what they would recommend using on the tattoo.
    • Some people experience itching or irritation after getting a new tattoo, which is normal as the skin heals and adjusts to the ink. No matter what you do, don’t scratch at it. Use ice packs if necessary, and be sure not to use any ointments, lotions, or other products on it that you haven’t been advised by your tattoo artist.
    • It may take a few weeks for the tattoo to heal. The sun is not good for any fresh tattoos because it can cause some ink to fade prematurely, so be sure to wear sunscreen and cover-up if you plan on being outside for an extended period of time.
    • Some people recommend using a product called ‘Aquaphor,’ which is petroleum jelly that can be used to speed healing time and reduce itching or irritation. It may also help the tattoo retain its color better than other products when exposed to the sun.
    • Be sure not to apply lotion or ointments that may contain urea like Vaseline because it can cause some ink to fade prematurely and ruin the color of the artwork. As long as you keep your hands off of it, there’s no need to cover it up.
    • It’s a good idea to keep the area dry. You shouldn’t soak or submerge your tattoo in water until after all of the scabs have fallen off for at least one week following getting it done. Just be sure to keep it as clean as possible.
    • Tattoo artists will usually give you a list of things that should be avoided for the first few weeks after getting your tattoo because they can cause irritation or infection. This includes alcohol, tobacco smoke, perfume, and anything else with strong ingredients like menthol or peppermint oil because these are known to irritate the skin.
    • Be sure not to stay in a chlorinated pool or hot tub for too long because it can cause irritation and dry your tattoo out.
  5. You’ll Need Future Touch-Ups Of Your Tattoo

    You’ll need touch ups every once in and while mostly because tattoos fade over time. The more exposure it has to light (sunlight or artificial), the faster it will start fading away from its original color. Some tattoos can be permanent, but most will need touch ups every one to two years.

    It is also important to note that if you are getting a tattoo, the depth or tissue thickness changes. This can lead to difficulty in touch ups because it will be more difficult for an ink needle to penetrate through thicker skin than thin skin.

The Bottom Line

Getting a tattoo is a decision that will stay with you throughout your life, so you have to be careful about it. One wrong decision can have a decision that you regret inked somewhere in your body. Above are some things that you need to consider before you get your new tattoo.

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