How to Convince People to Join Your Company

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In life and business, there are many situations in which you have to convince others because they have different opinion than you, or simply because they did not plan to do something that you want. We are talking about situations like convincing a customer to buy your product, negotiating with an employee about their job responsibilities, or making your partners or colleagues see the best solution to a problem. Take a look at the tips below that will help you in your negotiating.

How to convince clients and investors to join your company?

Unless your project was created non-profit, the normal thing is that the mission of your initiative is to sell, get clients who will buy your product or service, or investors who deposit their capital in your idea. Is that right?

Pay attention to the following tips.
convince people to join your company

  1. What kind of problem does your product solve?

  2. Many times, we can come up with ideas that are revolutionary for us but that in the end do not have one or enough market niches to accept them. Why? because they do not cover an existing need in the market demanded by a majority. It is not about creating a need in the market but about solving one that already exists.

    Example: When someone came up with the idea of creating self-parking cars, it was because there was a large number of people who hated doing the parking. It was a great revolution and still is. Can you imagine that the next step is to make the utopia of creating a car that, in addition to parking, adapts to small spaces or could fly? It would surely be a hit again.

  3. Use Storytelling

  4. Use Storytelling, this word that is so fashionable is nothing more than learning to tell your own story, that of your brand, or project, making it attractive in the eyes of others. And it is that the results can change a lot depending on how we approach it.

    Why are advertisements for the Christmas lottery or Coca-Cola so famous and so successful? Because they have a fantastic marketing strategy behind them based on their storytelling.

  5. Provide real samples

  6. Imagine that one or several investors have agreed to listen to your business proposal. How can you convince them? Well, in addition to applying the previous advice, the best strategy is to present real data and evidence.
    If you have done your homework, you probably have a portfolio that includes prototypes, market tests for potential clients, an active website or digital platform, etc.

    The fact of showing that you have been working on the project and investing your time and effort is already a point in your favor. And if you have also managed to capture the attention of possible clients/users related to your project, even better.

  7. Listen and respect

  8. Do you want them to respect your arguments? Start by respecting those of others, even if they seem silly to you. Listen carefully and show empathy. Doing so will give you more chances to convince a person with a contrary opinion.

    If you ignore the arguments of the other party, you make yourself an enemy, and the person will resent any proposal from you, however well argued it may be. If you show empathy and listen, the person will feel respected and is more likely to respect your opinion as well, which makes it easier for them to accept it.

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  9. Show security

  10. If you are hesitating during going through your presentation, you give the feeling that you are not convinced by your arguments, and thus it is very difficult to convince others. The tone matters almost as much as the background. On many occasions, people follow leaders because their security is contagious. Therefore, if you want to convince a person, you have to be as calm and as confident as you can. We say calm because getting angry would be the worst thing that could happen to you during an argument.

  11. Why you?

  12. You have to prepare yourself to answer this question because unless you offer an innovative product that does not exist in the market, the client or investor will wonder why they should choose you and not the competition.
    It is an excellent time to draw your weapons and talk about personal branding. Because we are not all the same, we have something that makes us unique. What are your strengths and those of your product?

  13. Do not be egotistical, present a strong team

  14. Teamwork has always been better seen because the union is a strength. If you are presenting your project to an investor or client, highlight the strengths of your team members. We are talking about skills but also about attitudes. You must show yourselves as a united team, convinced of your project and willing to make it known wherever it is needed.

  15. Humanize relationships

  16. Humanize relationships, let us never forget that although we are talking about products or services, the reality is that for the process of conviction and subsequent sale to be carried out, empathy, trust, and dialogue must be created. We are people talking to people who may also have the problem or need we are trying to solve.

  17. Have you already put a price on your company/idea/project?

  18. This is one of the million questions that we rarely are prepared to answer. If we want to convince an investor we cannot tell him that we know how much our project is worth. He expects us to give him an assessment of our project based on certain criteria so that he can negotiate with us if he wishes to do so. On the other hand, some entrepreneurs are quick to say things like “my project is not for sale”. Let us remember that an investor enters to make money and that is done by selling. You have to be prepared for this possibility.

  19. Get ready

  20. If you want to have an ace up your sleeve, you will have to have prepared for the confrontation. Preparation is essential for several reasons, but mainly one: it allows you to show that you know what you are talking about and, therefore, look credible.

There are many ways to convince other people but you should also make sure you do not fall for scams. Check their identities with a background check, look their number up on PhoneHistory and stay alert.

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