Do Homes Require Gutters by Law in the US?

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The worst chore on the chore wheel is, by far, cleaning gutters. Anyone who has done it understands. It feels like any home you live in tends to have them, and they will inevitably always need cleaning. No matter what you do, they always seem to fill up with leaves or bird nests. Luckily, there are companies out there to handle that messy and time-consuming job for you with ease. It gets you thinking, though, do houses have to have gutters? Are they required by law? That is exactly what will be covered for you in this post, so buckle up and let’s learn something new!

Gutters by Law in the US

What do gutters do?

Let’s start with something simple: what is the purpose of having gutters on your home? Rain gutters, typically made of aluminum, plastic, or sometimes copper, are designed to catch rainwater and redirect it away from your home. They will funnel the water to a downspout, which is meant to guide the water out, down, and away from the walls and foundation of your home. By doing this, your home’s foundation and surrounding earth are protected from additional erosion. In some states, where it’s not prohibited by law, these gutters can empty into rain barrels, which can be used to water gardens or used in dry spells.

As you can see, gutters are definitely a benefit to your home…even if they are a pain to clean and can sometimes be an eyesore. They will always require maintenance, and you will need to ensure that they stay in good shape in order to protect your home. Some key times that gutters are necessary for your home are:

  • If part of your home’s landscape flows downhill towards your home, having a gutter will help to redirect water away from your foundation.
  • If the ground around your home is made up of red clay, you want to make sure that water doesn’t get into the area around your home’s foundation. That clay will basically soak up the water and funnel it right to your foundation.
  • If your home has a minimal overhang, gutters will be a major benefit. Water running off your roof will be more likely to hit the walls and foundation of your home. Not a good thing.

Now that you know what function gutters provide, onto the real reason you came to this article.

Are gutters required by law/code?

Here is the short answer for you: no, gutters are not required by law in the US. They are generally not even required by code. However, they are regulated by the International Residential Code (the IRC) as to how they are to be constructed when they are installed. This overarching code sets up how they are to be installed and what materials they need to be made up of. Some of the requirements laid out are:

  • Gutters are required to be watertight…obviously, no one wants a leaky gutter.
  • If you plan on recycling the water, think hard about what material is being used. Whatever you use must not run the risk of contaminating the water.
  • The slope of the gutter and downspout must be over 1/8” per ft. They also are required to slope down to the designated collection spot.
  • The whole gutter system needs to be inspected, and as such needs to be accessible.

These are just the IRC codes that need to be followed when installing gutters. You will also need to check your local state and city codes to make sure there aren’t any additional requirements that must be met.

Gutters may not be required, but they are definitely essential for most homes. You will find that a lot of modern homes try to avoid having gutters, largely for the aesthetic. Sometimes you can get away with this but, generally, it would just be wiser to have gutters and install proper covers to keep them from constantly getting clogged with debris such as leaves, sticks, or bird’s nests.

Process of cleaning gutters

Ah, the gross task of cleaning gutters. If you choose to do this yourself, here are the steps you will need to follow:

  • Materials: a sturdy ladder, a small plastic scoop, a tarp, and the proper attire (gloves, long sleeves, etc.)
  • Set up your tarp under the area of the gutters you are cleaning. Then hop up on the ladder with your scoop.
  • Scrape out all of the nice, mushy debris and drop it onto the tarp.
  • Once you’ve cleared the debris, flush the gutters out with water to make sure it flows smoothly.

Or you could go another route and hire a professional to take care of this dirty job. Companies like Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaning will take great care of your home’s gutters. These companies will ensure that your home is protected, that your gutters are cleared out and fully functional, and that you can keep your hands clean. It’s recommended that you clean your gutters seasonally: March, June, August, and October tend to be key months to clean.

Now that you understand what your gutters are there for and how to care for them, you can be sure to take care of your home to the best of your abilities. You should now understand that gutters are not required by law or by code, but they are still beneficial for your home. Thank you for reading and be sure to come back to this blog with any other questions!

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