What You Need to Know After a Tummy Tuck

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If you consider a tummy tuck, it is important to know what to expect after the surgery. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure, and it is important to be fully prepared for the recovery process. Discussed below are the basics of what you can expect after your surgery. We will cover pain management, diet and exercise, and scar care. You can prepare yourself for a successful recovery by knowing what to expect.
Need to Know After a Tummy Tuck

What is Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. The goal of the surgery is to give you a flat stomach with an improved appearance of your belly button. Often there is muscle repair done along with the surgery, and in some cases, a small portion of the stomach muscles is reattached. When excess skin is removed, a scar results from the incision placement. A tummy tuck does not improve muscle tone, which requires long-term exercise to achieve.

What is Recovery Like?

Recovery after a tummy tuck is no easy feat. You will be sore and swollen for at least three days after surgery, which typically happens when you are in the post-operative care unit. After this time, you can expect to be up and about on your own. There will likely be pain around the incision site that can feel like a dull ache or sharp pain. You will also likely experience nausea and vomiting, a common complaint with all surgeries involving anesthesia. There will be some tightness and numbness around the incision site as well. This will gradually improve overtime as well with continued physical therapy and exercise.

Scar Care

A tummy tuck scar can take up to a year to heal fully. It is important not to remove the stitches, which are dissolvable and will naturally come out independently. Instead, it would help if you covered the scar with a breathable bandage after showering for one week, minimizing swelling and pain. Avoid picking or pulling at the sutures as your skin heals.

When the scar has healed, speak to your doctor about applying a scar treatment to minimize the appearance of the scar.

Getting Back to Normal

You mustn’t rush back into your normal activities after surgery. You should avoid doing too much too soon and rest as needed between each activity. When you feel well enough, you can start walking around your home to regain strength. It is not recommended that you start working out until at least three weeks after surgery. There will be swelling and bruising around the incision site during this time, which will take a few months to heal and go away fully.

Pain Management

Pain management after surgery is important, and you should speak to your doctor about pain medications. It can take up to three months for the wounds to fully heal, so you mustn’t do too much at once before then. If you feel that your pain is unmanageable or have an adverse reaction to your pain medication, call your doctor immediately.

Diet and Exercise

After a tummy tuck, you must follow the doctor’s orders regarding diet and exercise. Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions on what to eat and when to resume physical activity. Healthy eating habits and exercise will play a large role in helping you recover from your surgery quickly.

Foods to Consume After a Tummy Tuck

There are some foods to avoid in general after a tummy tuck. You should avoid foods with high sugar content as they can cause blood sugars to rise. It is also important not to eat too much at once or too quickly after surgery.

Foods to Avoid After a Tummy Tuck

After the tummy tuck, avoid sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, greasy foods, fried food, and spicy foods. During the first few days after surgery, it is best to avoid eating anything at all. The reason for this is that you will have cotton or gauze packed into your stomach, which could become dislodged if you eat too soon.

Exercise After a Tummy Tuck

After the tummy tuck procedure, exercise is recommended, your doctor will provide you with specific instructions regarding physical activity. The first few weeks after surgery, you should avoid high-impact activities that cause the upper body to move too quickly. It would help if you avoided activities like jogging and cycling until about three months after surgery because it could put excessive pressure on the wound healing process.

Emotional Well-Being

It is normal to experience high anxiety and stress when undergoing major surgery, such as a tummy tuck. Try to relax if possible and eat healthy foods that can provide comfort during this time. Allow yourself to enjoy the downtime and take this moment to relax with family and friends.

Proper Post-Operative Care

Proper post-operative care after a tummy tuck is important. The doctor will provide specific physical activity, diet, and pain management instructions. You must follow these guidelines carefully to recover as quickly as possible. You can expect your scars to be tender and somewhat stiff for at least six months after surgery.

Recovery Time

The amount of time it takes you to recover after having male tummy tuck surgery varies depending on your body and the extent of your procedure. If you have a tummy tuck alone, you can expect to be completely healed and ready to return to work in about three weeks. Full recovery will take about six months if you have combined procedures such as liposuction or breast implants with your tummy tuck. However, you must follow all of your doctor’s orders to heal correctly and avoid future complications.
As you can see, a tummy tuck is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen to make it firm and flat. The incision used for this procedure varies depending on what needs to be done. Recovery after a tummy tuck is difficult but necessary to achieve results quickly.

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