10 Reasons You Should Buy Paid WordPress Themes

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There is no way to talk about websites these days and not to mention WordPress. The reasons for using WordPress are known to most people who use it, ranging from popularity, the amount of information available, the variety of plugins and themes and the free core application and the many components that allow you to create every type of website imaginable.

Although the cost item is an indisputable attraction, there are situations in which investing in paid options may be desirable and even advisable. So let’s talk a little bit about it and why you should consider adopting a paid WordPress theme.

The importance of paid theme for WordPress

A theme or template of a CMS (Content Management System), is what gives a visual aspect to the content. It consists of the images, the colors used, the fonts, the icons and how it all combines in terms of proportions, shapes and layout on the screen. It is a concept that should be reasonably clear in the mind of whoever is responsible for a website. Like everything – or almost everything – in life, the way things look can make a big difference. What is pleasant, beautiful, flashy, elegant, and creative, usually constitutes a factor of relevance and influences choices. In some cases, it can even determine the difference between the choices that are made.

Paid WordPress theme

On the Internet, it is no different. Great-looking sites tend to attract more than aesthetically poorer sites. It is clear that the content is decisive and people do not access only a website for its beauty, except when the content is visual, such as a photo gallery or wallpapers, for example. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the visual component is not limited to what the eyes capture and the brain processes. A theme is also responsible for navigability, insofar as it determines the format and layout of the menus, links and clickable elements, the interaction and how the content is displayed.

It is the ease and how intuitive and practical the exploration of the site is, which favors and even invites the Internet user to browse other pages, consuming more content and directly influencing even the ranking in search engines. Conversely, a website with bad aesthetics, a poorly chosen theme, heavy and laborious navigation, can expel visitors brought at such a cost and consequently affect the bounce rate and worsen the ranking.

Therefore, themes are an important part of the process of delivering consumable content in a pleasant, practical and inviting way.

10 reasons to buy paid WordPress theme

Before going any further, it is important to emphasize that generalizing is not a very sensible attitude. Stipulating that free or paid, are good or bad, constitutes a short-sighted and restrictive attitude. As in several areas and especially in computing, there are good and bad options in terms of both free and paid products. You can create huge lists that justify one side or the other, like the classic dilemma of Linux X Windows.

Thus, there are good reasons for making one or the other type of choice and our approach is relative and in terms of majority and not necessarily applicable to all cases and options. It should also be noted that some of the reasons that we will present below, may contain any number of exceptions that contradict a supposed rule.

That said and with due reservations, let’s go to the reasons why it may be desirable to choose to create a WordPress- based website using a paid theme or template.


Usually paid wordpress themes offer customization mechanisms. Customization not only allows for obvious aesthetic differentiation or as the term suggests – making it personal, unique, individual – differentiating the appearance of other sites that make use of the same template but also allows you to approximate the appearance of the site with the visual identity that a brand, a product or company has.

Anyone who has ever been able to participate in the process of building the image of something knows how important and difficult it is to establish and join this visual identity in the minds of consumers. The simple visual adaptation of a type logo to the environment in which it is inserted is a challenge to be overcome.


The security aspect is one of the decisive factors. There are known security flaws that are exploitable and therefore make a website vulnerable, exposing its visitors, present in templates for WordPress and even from other CMSs. Both paid and free wordpress themes can be subject to this serious problem. The difference is that in the case of payments when possible gaps are identified, corrections tend to be faster.

In addition, statistically, it is less common than they exist, as they tend to be associated with the more professional and systematic development of the theme, by companies that have expertise in this area.


As we have already said, a theme or template is not limited to how beautiful it makes the site. Good themes also favor navigation, make content consumption easier, provide visual comfort, are attractive and invite visitors to explore other pages of the site. This, among other things, can mean greater conversion, assuming that the other conditions are met, such as adequate content and products and services that meet the desires, needs and expectations of your target audience, helping to sell. In the end and to some extent, it even influences website SEO.


It is usually easier to find a template that is adaptable to the business concept and the type of website. Blogs look like a blog. Installing a theme created for another type of website (forum, institutional, e-commerce, etc.), may even be possible and the end result may not be the worst, but it is not the same as adopting a theme that was idealized having in mind a blog. That is, a theme has to reflect the proposal that the type of website on which it is installed.


This question is unquestionable. Although there is a wide range of free options, the range of paid options is far superior. This directly favors other reasons, such as compliance with your language, visual identity and the type of website, as well as decreasing the chances of adopting a theme that is used by many other websites. When added to the personalization aspect, it favors producing a unique website that does not look like any other.

Cost X Benefit

A template that makes it possible to produce a visual result in line with the image of the product, brand, company, as well as favoring retention and conversion, can pay itself and even increase sales. In the end, a single contract or order that he has influence can pay for the investment and still generate profits. It is possible to find great themes starting at $10 and most of the most sophisticated and comprehensive ones are not usually more expensive than $60.


Do not confuse with customization. The flexibility that is normally possible on many paid themes allows you to include features that some free themes do not allow. Paid themes are less restrictive. There has even been a growing variety of paid themes that are not restricted to the visual aspects that modify a website, regardless of the type in which it fits, but that offer plug-in features, changing and expanding the site’s features and functionality.

There are even templates that instead of adding a previously defined appearance, function as a generator of widely customizable themes, almost like a “template factory”.


Most companies that create and market paid themes offer support. This is especially useful when there is little knowledge in creating and maintaining websites using WordPress or any other CMS. As easy as it is to create a website and install plugins and themes from the WP, there is always a contingent of users who encounter difficulties.

Sometimes, themes may require necessary installation requirements on the part of the hosting environment, which laymen and even some experienced users may have difficulty solving.

Final result

Although free themes are available that result in very professional final presentations, it is more common to obtain a more attractive and appropriate final result, among the paid options. It is expected that in exchange for some monetary investment, the company that produces the template will adopt more care in the production of the set of items that compose it, such as higher resolutions, quality and exclusivity of images and icons, among others.


Many of the leading companies that create paid themes provide constant updates. This aspect is especially important, to suit WordPress updates itself, as well as for security issues, improvements, performance and bug fixes. A website with errors or problems arising from an old and outdated theme can affect visitation and ranking.


Choosing and installing a paid WordPress theme implies a set of benefits that are rationally justified and supported by well-defined reasons. When considering the benefits of a paid theme, it can be the difference between having just any website and a successful one.

Rohit Siwal

Rohit Singh is a professional Digital Marketing Expert. He is a digital nerd and he loves sharing his thoughts through Blogger Cage. SEO, WordPress, Make money Online and Digital Marketing are his prime interests.

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